Bevagna and Montefalco with Farmhouse Lunch

Join us for a fantastic Full Day Tour, to include visits to these two Umbrian gems. Enjoy a rustic lunch stop at a small, family-run Farmhouse in the countryside.

We’ll start with a Classic Tour of Bevagna, the Roman “Mevania”. A small, quaint village, Bevagna still retains rare Roman and Medieval monuments (San Michele Arcangelo and San Silvestro, in the main square, are two beautiful examples of Romanesque churches). The town steps back in time to the Middle Ages once a year, in June, with the so called “Market of the Gaite”. This is an authentic re-enactment of everyday Medieval life. During this event, the local population organizes handicraft shops, typical markets, taverns, shows and  concerts, all inspired by antique medieval documents.

After our first tour, it’s time for a pleasant lunch break at a small farm in the country. The owners will prepare a wonderful rustic lunch of regional specialties (such as fresh egg pasta, locally grown vegetables and homemade desserts). You’ll also get to taste their extra-virgin olive oil and cheeses. In the afternoon, it is finally time for our Tour of Montefalco. Montefalco is often referred to as “the balcony of Umbria” for its unique location, offering a breathtaking 360° views of the Umbrian Valley, from Spoleto to Perugia, from the Apennines to the Martani mountains. This lively hilltop town is still completely surrounded by medieval walls. The main monument is the Church of Saint Francis, with famous frescoes by such masters as Benozzo Gozzoli and Perugino. 

Well known as the city of the Sagrantino wine, a strong and full-body red wine appreciated by connoisseurs around the world, Montefalco is a regular stop on any foodie’s tour. 

On this tour you will:

  • See Bevagna’s famous wash-house by the Clitunno river;
  • Visit the romanesque churches of San Michele Arcangelo and San Silvestro;
  • Admire Montefalco’s intact Medieval Walls and Gates;
  • Soak in the relaxed atmosphere of one of Umbria’s most famous hilltop towns.
Contact us for more information and booking.
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